Tuesday, June 8, 2010


So... a hanger and mannequin catalog came to the store featuring:


Obamakin... a 'lifelike replica of our President'.
Seriously??? Who buys that and for what purpose?
I guess the good news is that if you buy 6 of them they are $10 cheaper... what??? 6 Obamakins? I am very confused.

On a side note, the kids mannequins are soooo creepy.

kids mannequins

Check out the one on the far right. Yikes.


Luna Moths.....

Mem Day weekend was spent with our great friends in Woodstock, VT... every time we go up there we hope to see the Luna Moths, which seem to flock to our friends' yard. This particular night there was five of them at once. It was very cool...

Silly, rowdy video... but a really neat site to see...
Our last trip up there, one of them got in the house and I took some close up photos of it. They really show how amazing these moths are. Here's a few...


Just to top off my geeky science post, I also found a Luna Moth caterpillar in Lake George last summer and took some photos of that too...


Now you know.
